Khushbakhtov Alisher Khaitalievich
Komsomolsk-on-Amur State Technical University
Abstract. The article states that the preservation and ensuring of the army human resources are possible due to the improvement of the system of higher military education. It is noted that the contemporary educational paradigm provides the introduction of competence-based approach, so the formation of military departments students’ professional competences seems urgent. The notion of professional competence is analyzed. The author also characterizes the principles and peculiarities of the formation of students’ professional competences on the basis of the military department.
Key words and phrases: профессиональная компетенция, военно-профессиональная компетентность, военная кафедра, студент, компетентностный подход, professional competence, military and professional competence, military department, student, competence-based approach
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