Khripunov Nikolai Vladimirovich
Volga Region State University of Service in Tolyatti
Abstract. The article deals with the classification of heuristic research methods combining expert methods and the methods of work with the respondents of non-expert qualification. The author studies modern approaches to heuristic methods classification. Common requirements for the classification criteria are determined. The paper also proposes a version of a classification based on five criteria that are common to all heuristic methods, significant and measurable. The application of this classification is advisable in the process of choosing a method of heuristic research taking into account the characteristics of the problem under study.
Key words and phrases: эвристические методы, экспертные оценки, квалификация экспертов, классификация, классификационные признаки, heuristic methods, expert judgements, qualification of experts, classification, classification criteria
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