Mos'yakov Igor' Vladimirovich, Mos'yakov Vladimir Evgen'evich
Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. We ??can see examples of spontaneously created, self-governed organizational structures of impressive efficiency in animate nature. The ubiquitous spread of the Internet leads to qualitative changes in the way of life of a person using the increasing capabilities of the Network. The network man, network society, network economics, network intellect - these are the basic realities of human life requiring their theoretical and practical understanding. In the article the review of collective mind as a system is proposed. The objective, structure, and main components of this system are identified.
Key words and phrases: информация, информационное общество, Интернет, социальная сеть, коллективный разум, синергизм, стигмергия, самоуправление, information, information society, Internet, social network, collective mind, synergism, stigmergy, self-government
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