Degtyareva Svetlana Viktorovna
Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok
Abstract. The article shows that power of the theatre is special. Therefore, it has general, like any power, and specific characteristics. The main specific feature of the theatre power is ambivalence of power characteristics and direction of power relations as their bidirectionality (from the actor to the audience and from the audience to the actor). The basis of power of the theatre is made up by incompatible characteristics: management, pursuit of subordination as a manifestation of power and freedom as an attribute of creativity.
Key words and phrases: власть, власть театра, специфика власти театра, диалог, диалог со зрителем, двунаправленность властных отношений, power, power of theatre, specificity of theatre power, dialogue, dialogue with audience, bidirectionality of power relations
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