Tishchenko Nataliya Vladimirovna
Saint Petersburg State Technological Institute
Abstract. The article focuses on various ways of interpreting the notion "national-cultural specificity", in what it manifests, what factors affect its formation. It also deals with the issue on connection of national-cultural specificity with the picture of the world and national consciousness of the ethnic and cultural community. The paper considers in detail the notion of discourse, what meaning different linguists put into this notion, some peculiarities of political discourse, relations between the addresser and addressees. Significance of both linguistic and communicative aspects of this phenomenon is confirmed. The work raises the question of whether it is possible to talk about national-cultural specificity of political discourse and gives examples of differences in cultural identification at verbal and nonverbal levels.
Key words and phrases: национально-культурная специфика, языковая картина мира, национальное сознание, политический дискурс, язык политики, national-cultural specificity, linguistic picture of the world, national consciousness, political discourse, language of politics
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