Azyavchikova Tat'yana Vladimirovna, Salamatina Elena Fedorovna
Francisk Skorina Gomel State University, The Republic of Belarus
Abstract. The article analyzes diversity of spiders species in different areas of the field of vetch-oats mixture and the adjacent territory not exposed to agro-technical treatment. It is found out that the species diversity in the centre of the fields is reduced both due to the decrease of the number of the species and the high level of the particular species dominance. The species diversity in the central zone of large fields is lower than that of smaller ones. However, its reduction is proportional to the distance from the crops border only to a certain limit. According to the authors’ data, this zone approximately extends for 100 meters deep into the field. If one covers a greater distance from the borders, the indicator changes insignificantly.
Key words and phrases: агроэкосистема, пауки, биоразнообразие, экотоны, хортобионты, вико-овсяная смесь, agroecosystem, spiders, biodiversity, ecotones, chortobionts, vetch-oats mixture
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