Shestakova Irina Grigor’evna
Saint Petersburg Mining University
Abstract. Throughout all the history of the mankind development of science and technology has been accompanied by the idea of anthropogenic catastrophe. Emergence of tools allowing implementing fantasies about robots contributed to the renaissance of this topic in the XX century. Explosive development of cybernetics and the possibility of giving robots not just mind, but will to independent decisions and actions made this theme one of the most urgent. If you lay the principle of evolutionary selection into robotics, like Darwin’s theory of species’ origin, appearance of new evolution is theoretically possible. In that case, is it permissible and necessary to engage in creating a Bible for the world of robots - machine ethics for superintelligence? This question is highly topical in the XXI century.
Key words and phrases: научно-технический прогресс, техногенная катастрофа, роботы и человек, бунт машин, Три закона робототехники, Айзек Азимов, Винер, искусственный интеллект, этика, scientific and technical progress, anthropogenic catastrophe, robots and human being, revolt of machines, three laws of robotics, Isaac Asimov, Wiener, artificial intelligence, ethics
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