Shestakova Irina Grigor’evna
Saint Petersburg Mining University
Abstract. The history of the development of science and technology is represented as a chain of positive changes, which, despite all the eschatological predictions, is incomparably greater than the concomitant problem field. The author supposes that protective mechanisms resisting possible destruction are built into the human population. However, these mechanisms worked while machines helped to replace a human being physically. The question remains about the present, when scientific and technical progress encroaches on the most sacred - mind and intellect - the things that determine a person.
Key words and phrases: научно-технический прогресс, инфокоммуникационные технологии, техногенная катастрофа, онтологическое поле, робот и человек, scientific and technical progress, information and communication technologies, anthropogenic catastrophe, ontological field, robot and human being
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