Bondareva Viktoriya Viktorovna
Kuban State Technological University
Abstract. The article aims to analyze historical backgrounds for "cultural revolution" in China in 1966-1976. The basis of the historical ground of the mentioned phenomenon is associated in the paper with the peculiarities of Chinese civilization, which developed over two and a half millennia under the ideological dominance of Confucianism. In addition to the ideological factor of Chinese civilization the author mentions specific socio-economic conditions that influenced the historical specifics of China and eventually determined backgrounds for the events of the Maoist "cultural revolution" of 1966-1976.
Key words and phrases: "культурная революция", идеи Мао Цзэдуна, китайская цивилизация, конфуцианство, концепция китайской исключительности, культ правителя, западный империализм, "cultural revolution", Mao Zedong’s ideas, Chinese civilization, Confucianism, Chinese exclusiveness conception, ruler’s cult, western imperialism
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