Bannikov Andrei Valer'evich
Saint Petersburg State University
Abstract. Starting with the III century the Roman government settled the large amounts of barbarians on the abandoned border territories of the provinces. The status that determined the rights and obligations of the new settlers was different. A special category among them was formed by the Laeti and the Gentiles. It is assumed that the former were initially repatriates returned from barbaric captivity, and only later their status was extended to the Germans, who sought refuge in the Empire, and the latter were barbarians, who lived on the Roman lands separately and kept their way of life. Regardless of the obtained status, all the settlers were obliged not only to work up the unoccupied lands, but also to supply the Roman army with their youth.
Key words and phrases: Римская империя, рекруты, варвары, леты, гентилы, The Roman Empire, recruits, barbarians, Laeti, Gentiles
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