Shakhov Vyacheslav Aleksandrovich
Kaliningrad State Technical University
Abstract. The article deals with the culture state of the enclave locus of Southeast Baltic as a special territory of the Russian Federation by means of the diachronic analysis of ethno-cultural traditions. The author’s analysis of ethno-social processes in the territory of Southeast Baltic shows that despite the desire at all times of the actors of historical process to give palimpsest nature to the culture of the region it spontaneously develops diachronically. Thus it is possible to establish impact on it by the most ancient ethnic and cultural phenomena.
Key words and phrases: Юго-Восточная Балтия, социокультурный локус, палимпсестность, диахронная культура, социокультурные методы, культурная традиция, Southeast Baltic, socio-cultural locus, palimpsest nature, diachronic culture, socio-cultural methods, cultural tradition
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