Subkhangulov Rustem Raisovich
Ufa Law Institute of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation
Abstract. The article sets a task to determine the economic impact of the enterprise activity. The author models two scenarios of production development by the example of a typical enterprise of the Pre-Ural steppe zone of the Republic of Bashkortostan, the agricultural production cooperative named after Salavat of the municipal district of Meleuz district. The first scenario takes into account the criterion of optimization as the maximum amount of the compensation of fixed costs, and the second one takes into consideration maximum profit. The analysis of model matrixes solutions shows that the use of the optimization criterion "the maximum amount of the compensation of the fixed costs" in the organization is the most effective variant due to the optimal combination of the structure of production and sales.
Key words and phrases: конкуренция, сочетание отраслей, выручка, маржинальный доход, сельское хозяйство, competition, combination of industries, revenue, marginal income, agriculture
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