Murashev Vladimir Vladimirovich, Morozova Zoya Alekseevna
Lomonosov Moscow State University
Abstract. The article presents the factual material of the long-term studies of the morphogenesis of the plants of the polyploid species of the subgenus Boeoticum . The authors discuss the impact of the genomes A b and G and especially of the plasmon Ae. speltoides on the morphogenesis and structure of ripe plants. The originality of the quantitative indicators of ears, as well as the development of the apical ear are, surely, the result of the influence of the genetic system of Aegilops cytoplasm.
Key words and phrases: морфогенез, вегетативные и генеративные фитомеры, листовой примордий, почка, апикальные меристемы, зачаточный главный побег, геном, цитоплазма, плазмон, полигеном, morphogenesis, vegetative and generative phytomers, leaf primordium, bud, apical meristems, germinative main draw, genome, cytoplasm, plasmon, polygenome
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