Abstract. The article is devoted to the use of the computer program Multisim 10.1 for practical training in the study of the topic "Periodic Non-Sinusoidal Currents in Linear Circuits" of the course "Electrical Engineering and Electronics". The examples of specific tasks, which can be successfully used in educational process in the study of this topic using the computer, are given. The recommendations on how to use this program are presented.
Key words and phrases: компьютерная среда Multisim, несинусоидальная периодическая ЭДС, ряд Фурье, гармоники, действующие значения несинусоидального периодического тока и напряжения, расчетная схема, схема моделирования, активная, реактивная, полная мощности и мощность искажения, спектральный анализ, computer environment Multisim, periodic non-sinusoidal EMF, Fourier series, harmonics, active values of non-sinusoidal periodic current and voltage, design model, simulation circuit, active, reactive, apparent power and power of distortion, spectral analysis
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