Korneeva Yuliya Semenovna
Khakass State University named after N. F. Katanov
Abstract. The article studies the features of tomb constructions structure, the internal structure of cells, burial rite and inventory in Tashtyk crypts of Achinsk and Mary forest-steppe basing on the reports on the excavations of Michailovsk and Shestakovo cemeteries. The researchers published the results of their surveys drawing attention to the distinctive features of these monuments. However, the clear explanation of the reasons for these differences still does not exist. At present, it is accepted in archaeological science to identify local variants in the study of monuments. The author undertakes an attempt to determine whether the monuments of Achinsk and Mary forest-steppe are a local variant of Tashtyk culture.
Key words and phrases: таштыкская культура, склеп, погребальный обряд, Ачинско-Мариинская лесостепь, локальный вариант, Tashtyk culture, crypt, burial rites, Achinsk and Mary forest-steppe, local variant
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