Antonov Georgii Vyacheslavovich
Volgograd State University
Abstract. The paper presents some results of an analytical sociological study aimed at identifying the main trends of the development of the institution of marriage in contemporary Russia. The represented data were obtained during a sociological survey based on a representational sample, which was conducted during 2014 in Volgograd region and acted as one of the study stages. The comparative analysis of distributing the numerical values of reproductive attitudes as empirical indicators characterizing the importance of marriage and family sphere for respondents belonging to different generations (ages 18-23, 25-30, 35-45 and 50-60) was implemented. An unambiguous conclusion on the immutability of these attitudes for four mentioned generations, and therefore, on the absence of the signs of the degradation of marriage and family institutions in our country is received.
Key words and phrases: брак и семья, брачно-семейные установки, репродуктивные установки, государственная семейная политика, прикладная социология, marriage and family, marriage and family attitudes, reproductive attitudes, state family policy, applied sociology
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