Bobrysheva Yuliya Konstantinovna
Tambov State Technical University
Abstract. The article shows the contribution of Stavropol territory’s youth into the solution of the problem associated with the deficiency of qualified personnel at Stavropol enterprises in the years of the Great Patriotic War. Special attention is paid to the organizational role of Komsomol; the front brigade movement is characterized. On the basis of statistical data the author describes the tremendous efforts that were made by Stavropol young people, who worked at the enterprises and transport during the war period.
Key words and phrases: молодёжь, комсомол, Великая Отечественная война, промышленность, повседневность, оккупация, комсомольско-молодёжные бригады, youth, Komsomol, The Great Patriotic War, industry, everyday life, occupation, Komsomol and youth brigades
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