Samofalova Marina Vladimirovna, Borisenko Viktoriya Aleksandrovna, Zharina Ol'ga Aleksandrovna
Southern Federal University
Abstract. The article is devoted to the category of time as the most general and primary parameter of the evaluation of surrounding reality by the representatives of monochronous and polychronous cultures. Time is an important part of human cultural values ??that emerged in the process of interpersonal communication, it determines the uniqueness of each ethnic group, and its misunderstanding can lead to cross-cultural conflicts. The paper analyzes the ways of the language representation of the category of time in English and Russian communicative traditions.
Key words and phrases: монохронные и полихронные культуры, категория времени, культурные ценности, межкультурная коммуникация, языковая репрезентация, monochronous and polychronous cultures, category of time, cultural values, intercultural communication, language representation
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