Abstract. The article deals with the currently existing in science theoretical ideas about the professional-value orientations of personality. The actualization of the category "professional-value orientations" is stipulated by the need to form the competitive specialist with the developed system of value-sense orientations realized in professional activity. However, the author states the insufficiency of the methodologically holistic researches of the subject and the absence of psycho-diagnostic instruments for the detailed study of the professional-value orientations of personality. The paper offers the author’s definition of professional-value orientations, as well as marks the ways of their further analysis.
Key words and phrases: профессионально-ценностные ориентации, ценностно-смысловая сфера личности, профессиональное самоопределение, профессия, профессиональная деятельность, период юношества, professional-value orientations, value-sense sphere of personality, professional identity, profession, professional activity, period of youth
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