Borovikov Ivan Fedorovich, Ovsyannikova Tat'yana Nikolaevna
Bauman Moscow State Technical University
Abstract. Teaching descriptive geometry, which is one of the key disciplines in a technical institution of higher education, should be based on the combination of synthetic and analytical methods. To ensure this approach, the authors have developed a set of individual home tasks. During the fulfilment of these tasks students should use graphical, analytical and graphic-analytical methods, and this must be followed by the development of programs in an algorithmic language. The introduction of such approach into educational process will allow providing interdisciplinary connection with analytic geometry and computer science, as well as will lead students to the understanding of the appropriateness of the combination of analytical and graphical methods in geometric modeling.
Key words and phrases: начертательная геометрия, аналитическая геометрия, графоаналитические методы, первая позиционная задача, метрические задачи, межпредметные связи, descriptive geometry, analytic geometry, graphic-analytical methods, first positional task, metric tasks, interdisciplinary connections
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