Dement'ev Il'ya Igorevich
Arsenal Machine-Building Plant Open JSC, St. Petersburg
Abstract. In the article new theoretical aspects of the mathematical modeling of the dynamics of spacecraft with account of the elasticity casing of spacecraft hulls and bulky detail sections are presented and the method of effective spacecraft control is given. This method and the formulated theoretical aspects in the aggregate provide high performance of spacecraft and quality of the solutions of targeted tasks performed by them in space and out of space. The work contains the ground for the necessity to use Lagrange equations of the second kind together with the methods of the substitution of reference frames and coordinate systems for the development of mathematical models describing the movements of spacecraft.
Key words and phrases: космический аппарат, система отсчета, управление космическими аппаратами, система координат, крупногабаритный упругий элемент конструкции космического аппарата, локальная система гашения колебаний, упругая оболочка корпуса космического аппарата, spacecraft, reference frame, spacecraft control, coordinate system, bulky elastic section of spacecraft construction, local damping system, elastic casing of spacecraft hull
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