SHATUNOVA Elena Mikhailovna, BOZHKOVA Galina Nikolaevna
Elabuga Institute (Branch) of Kazan (Volga Region) Federal University
Abstract. Nowadays the importance of the proper names of the characters of fiction is not doubted because for the detailed multiple-aspect analysis of literary text researchers frequently refer to names, which are laconic bearers of the deeper meanings of a literary work realized in context. The paper tries to investigate the importance of using names, the influence of a personage’s name on the nature and continuity of image interpretation in the work of the poorly investigated author of the XIX century Andrey Osipovich Novodvorsky.
Key words and phrases: поэтонимы, пародийность, сатирическая функция, эстетическая функция, собственные имена, poetonyms, parody nature, satirical function, aesthetic function, proper names
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