Antonov Georgii Vyacheslavovich, Laktyukhina Elena Gennad'evna
Volgograd State University
Abstract. In the article certain results of an analytical sociological study, the goal of which is to reveal the main tendencies of the development of the institution of marriage in modern Russia, are presented. The given data were received during a sociological survey on representative sample that was carried out during the year of 2014 within the territory of Volgograd and Volgograd region and was one of the stages of the stated study. The statistical analysis of the distribution of the numerical values of certain empirical indicators that characterize the significance of marriage and family sphere for respondents is conducted. The dependence of the values of the considered indicators on age and some other features throughout four latest generations is analyzed.
Key words and phrases: институт брака, брачно-семейные установки, брачно-семейное поведение, брачность и разводимость, традиционный брак, прикладная социология, institution of marriage, marriage and family sets, marriage and family behaviour, marriage and divorce rates, traditional marriage, applied sociology
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