Aleksandrova Marina Aleksandrovna
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (Branch) in Volgograd
Abstract. The article discusses the main stages in the formation of the legal regime of the lands of specially protected natural sites in the domestic law. Particular attention is paid to the period before the XVIII century, which until now has been described in scientific studies in general terms only. The author assesses the conception of "private reserve", which is not entrenched in the domestic law, but influenced the formation of reserve management, and gives the characteristic of the formation process of the legal regime of the lands of specially protected natural sites in the domestic law.
Key words and phrases: охрана окружающей среды, особо охраняемые природные территории, правовой режим земель особо охраняемых природных территорий, заповедное дело, история заповедного дела, частный заповедник, environmental protection, specially protected natural sites, legal regime of lands of specially protected natural sites, reserve management, reserve management history, private reserve
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