Lyubchik Vitalii Romanovich
Khmelnytskyi National University, Ukraine
Abstract. The article is devoted to the development of the theoretical bases of the multifrequency phase measurements of distances for solving radiolocation problems. As the result of the consideration of harmonic signals propagation while probing objects the author obtains analytical dependences that connect distances and objects characteristics with the parameters of sum signals at different frequencies. On the basis of these dependencies the system of linear equations is proposed. The coefficients of the equations system are obtained as the result of measuring the phase shifts and amplitudes of sum returned signals. The solution of the equations system allows obtaining the phase shifts of the signals returned from each object.
Key words and phrases: гармонический сигнал, векторная диаграмма, амплитудно-частотная характеристика, фазочастотная характеристика, дальность, основы теории фазовых измерений, harmonic signal, vector diagram, amplitude-frequency response, phase-frequency characteristic, distan
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