Shchekolodkin Vladimir Fedorovich
Yalta, Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Ukraine
Abstract. The article is devoted to clearing the essence of human’s peripheral blood lymphocytes. Some scientists’ researches and the author’s experiments results allow supposing that lymphocytes are mostly the lymphoid form of white blood cells that remain in immature or functionally-unformed condition till their full ripening and the organism necessity for them. This point of view is based on the phenomenon of lymphocytes transformation into other types and kinds of white blood cells that was found by the author; and it allows developing modern innovative methods in different areas of biology and medicine and getting true scientific results.
Key words and phrases: лимфоциты, кровь, трансформация, бласты, незрелые клетки, неоднородность, лимфоидная форма, lymphocytes, blood, transformation, blasts, immature cells, heterogeneity, lymphoid form
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