Kolesnikova Kira Vladimirovna
North-Caucasus Federal University
Abstract. The main problems of budgetary investments into environmental protection measures are their small, in the author’s opinion, amount and the absence of the guarantees of their assignment for ecological activities. As a consequence, the author suggests ecological budgetary funds rebirth, which existed in modern Russia until the early 2000s, that requires the enactment of the Federal Law "About Ecological Funds". The article considers the international and foreign experience of ecological funds creation and functioning.
Key words and phrases: окружающая среда, источники финансирования, бюджет, субвенции, субсидии, бюджетные инвестиции, бюджетные кредиты, дотации, экологические фонды, environment, financing sources, budget, subventions, subsidies, budget investments, budget credits, grants, eco
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