Ignat'eva Anna Anatol'evna, Mingazinova Elena Rudol'fovna
Perm Institute (Branch) of Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
Abstract. The article analyzes and systematizes diverse approaches to estimating the retailment service quality of both foreign and Russian scientists. The authors identify the advantages and disadvantages of the discussed techniques. It is ascertained that a buyer is the most important and integral element of service system. It is noted that the existing techniques do not take into account the modern conditions of the development of this part of consumer market, and it conditions the need for the improvement of methodical approaches to estimating retailment service quality.
Key words and phrases: розничная торговля, услуга, качество услуг, оценка качества услуг, методы оценки качества услуг, retailment, service, service quality, estimation of service quality, methods for estimating service quality
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