Klyueva Irina Olegovna
Bryansk Municipal Lyceum № 1 named after A. S. Pushkin
Abstract. The article considers the correlation of artistic space and time at the level of chronotope in the original and translated works of F. I. Tyutchev. Basing on the study of the poet’s lyrics the author distinguishes stable motifs and images with spatial and temporal semantics (road, meeting, threshold, river and so on). In this context the features of Tyutchev’s chronotope "road" are studied in more detail. According to the data from lexicographical sources the author formulates a definition of the word "road" paying particular attention to its figurative meaning. In conclusion the idea that F. I. Tyutchev’s chronotope "road" is endowed with deep symbolism, as it creates a universal space-time picture of the way of life (both of an individual and of humanity), is revealed.
Key words and phrases: пространство, время, хронотоп, поэтические образы, тематические гнезда, циклизация, дуплет, оригинальное произведение, переводное стихотворение, space, time, chronotope, poetic images, subject clusters, cyclization, doublet, original work, translated poem
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