Abstract. In the article the attempt to evaluate risks in the process of the Russian students’ socialization under present-day conditions is realized. The stages of socialization process in the higher education establishment are revealed. Basing on the analysis of the results of the sociological research "Socialization and Education of Higher Education Establishments Students of Rostov Region" (2011) and statistical data use risks structure in the process of students’ socialization is revealed, the threat degree of this or that risk manifestation is determined, the most dangerous risks are singled out. This article is the first of the publications series devoted to revealing risks and risks management in the process of higher education establishments students’ socialization process.
Key words and phrases: студенчество, социализация студенчества, условия неопределенности, риски, структура рисков процесса социализации студенчества, анализ рисков, the students, students’ socialization, conditions of ambiguity, risks, risks structure of students’ socialization
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